Tuesday, December 13, 2016

RC II-2 Language and Literacy

Language and Literacy activity comment here!


  1. "Let's Read Together"

    Questions To Consider:

    In what ways does this child show interest in books?
    How does he grasp and turn the pages?
    How long does he remain engaged during this activity?
    Why is this Important:

    Reading with this child seated near you is one of the best ways to share his curiosity and developing knowledge about how books work. This is a fun activity to do when you have some quiet time with this child in an area conducive to reading. Board books are great for children who are just learning about books because their sturdy pages turn easily.


    books that this child enjoys

    What To Do:

    Make reading together a regular routine in your classroom. Invite this child to join you in a quiet area, choose a book to read, and sit next to you (or in your lap if he prefers).
    Once you and this child are settled, hold the closed book comfortably in front of him. Look at the cover of the book and encourage him to talk about what he sees.
    Take time to talk about the cover and the title of the story. I wonder what is happening in this book? Let's open the book and find out.
    As you look at the book together, point to and discuss objects in the pictures. Follow this child's interest and abilities.
    Encourage this child to turn the pages. He may be eager to talk about what is happening in the story or he may prefer to listen quietly as you read aloud. Ask questions, and encourage him to repeat the names of objects you point out.

    Objectives / Dimensions:
    2a. Forms relationships with adults
    6. Demonstrates gross-motor manipulative skills
    9a. Uses an expanding expressive vocabulary
    S9a. Usa un vocabulario cada vez más rico y expresivo
    11a. Attends and engages
    17a. Uses and appreciates books
    18a. Interacts during read-alouds and book conversations
    S17a. Usa y aprecia los libros
    S18a. Interactúa durante las lecturas en voz alta y las conversaciones

  2. Activity:Recognize Letters to Spell a word

    Developmental Goals:
    To identify letters to help spell

    To encourage the children to identify 2 or 3 letters to create a word

    Materials Needed:
    Rectangular shape Legos
    Black sharpie
    Single Legos

    1.Collect 4 or 5 rectangular Legos
    2.Use sharpie to write a word(DOG)
    3.On the single Lego write each letter in the word(D-O-G)
    Child will began to match the letters (Recognize)

  3. Formatting your dissertation is an important step in the writing process. If you are struggling with formatting, we're here to help!
