Tuesday, December 13, 2016

RC II-4 Fine Motor (Indoor)

Fine Motor (Indoor Activity)


  1. "Open, Shut Them"

    Questions To Consider:

    How is this child able to follow along and mimic the hand motions of the song?
    In what ways does she interact with you during this experience?
    How long is she able to remain engaged with this activity?
    Why is this Important:

    Giving children an opportunity to slow down, focus on a song, and share a moment with you helps them manage transitions. Sharing a song with this child that can be adapted to be fast or slow, quiet or loud gives you a chance to set the tone as you lead her into the next activity.


    Poster with words to "Open, Shut Them"

    Open, shut them. Open, shut them.

    Give a little clap, clap, clap.

    Open, shut them. Open, shut them.

    Fold them in your lap, lap, lap.

    What To Do:

    Invite this child to sit with you and sing a song.
    Hold up your hands and invite her to mimic your movements.
    Sing "Open, Shut Them" at a pace consistent with this child's abilities. (Slow down if she needs time to make the motions while singing; speed up if she is quick to move her body with the music.) You may need to physically help her make the hand movements. Having this child sit on your lap so that you can help her move her hands and arms may be a useful strategy to try if this child needs physical assistance and wants to participate.
    Change the tone and volume of your voice to make the song interesting. For example, you may want to whisper the last line.
    Give this child an opportunity to sing the song to you on her own if she wishes.
    Use this song any time this child needs to transition to a quiet activity, such as listening to a story. Encourage her to watch others singing the song and to demonstrate it for a family member.

    Objectives / Dimensions:
    2a. Forms relationships with adults
    7a. Uses fingers and hands
    8a. Comprehends language
    8b. Follows directions
    9a. Uses an expanding expressive vocabulary
    S8a. Comprende el lenguaje
    S8b. Sigue instrucciones
    S9a. Usa un vocabulario cada vez más rico y expresivo
    11a. Attends and engages
    11d. Shows curiosity and motivation
    15a. Notices and discriminates rhyme
    15c. Notices and discriminates smaller and smaller units of sound
    S15a. Nota y diferencia la rima
    S15c. Nota y diferencia unidades cada vez más pequeñas del sonido
    34. Explores musical concepts and expression
    37. Demonstrates progress in listening to and understanding English
    38. Demonstrates progress in speaking English

  2. Activity:
    Fruit Loop Towers

    Developmental Goals:
    This requires a great deal of concentration and fine motor

    Materials Needed:
    Plastic cups
    Fruit Loop

    1. Make A ball with playdough
    2. Place the ball inside cup
    3. Stick pasta into playdough
    4.Encourage child try to put each loop onto the pasta

  3. Activity:
    Fruit Loop Towers

    Developmental Goals:
    This requires a great deal of concentration and fine motor

    Materials Needed:
    Plastic cups
    Fruit Loop

    1. Make A ball with playdough
    2. Place the ball inside cup
    3. Stick pasta into playdough
    4.Encourage child try to put each loop onto the pasta
