Tuesday, December 13, 2016

RC II-3 Creative Arts

Creative Arts activities here!


  1. "Crayons and Chalk"

    Questions To Consider:

    How does this child use classroom materials?
    In what ways does he use trial and error to discover new ways to use materials?
    How is he able to grasp and manipulate materials to use them appropriately?
    Why is this Important:

    Through trial and error, children will eventually discover a number of important things about the materials they use in their play. For example, they will learn that chalk is superior to crayons when drawing on a chalkboard; that it is difficult to form letters with a very wide paintbrush; and that play dough and pipe cleaners are great materials for making snakes. You can support the discovery process by helping children explore a wide variety of materials and use them in different ways.

    What To Do:

    Observe this child to see if he uses classroom materials appropriately. Does he use correct utensils for art projects (e.g., chalk on the chalkboard vs. crayons)? Does he use appropriate props for cooking in the Dramatic Play area (e.g., pots and spoons vs. toy vehicles)? Also observe this child to see how he treats classroom materials. Does he turn book pages gently to prevent tearing? Does he use crayons with care?
    Encourage this child to use his creativity to explore a variety of materials. Model the use of unfamiliar materials and talk about how to use them safely.
    Talk with this child about his choice of materials. Point out that the materials he uses have a direct relationship to the outcome of his project or play. I see that you are making very small paintings with the skinny paintbrush.

    Objectives / Dimensions:
    1c. Takes care of own needs appropriately
    7a. Uses fingers and hands
    7b. Uses writing and drawing tools
    11e. Shows flexibility and inventiveness in thinking
    12a. Recognizes and recalls
    14a. Thinks symbolically
    14b. Engages in sociodramatic play
    24. Uses scientific inquiry skills
    26. Demonstrates knowledge of the physical properties of objects and materials
    28. Uses tools and other technology to perform tasks
    33. Explores the visual arts

  2. Activity:
    Silly Putty

    Developmental Goals:
    To make and explore silly potty

    Measuring,pouring,mixing ingredients,observing transformation
    and exploring freely

    Materials Needed:
    3/4 cup warm water
    1cup glue
    1cup hot water
    1cup of borax
    Small/medium bowl

    1. Mix warm water and glue in small bowl
    2. in medium bowl mix hot water and borax
    3. Combine bowls and see what HAPPENS

    Creates a shiny dough like silly putty that will last covered for weeks!!
